Tuesday 4 January 2011

10 Things I Learned Yesterday

1. I only get insomnia the night before a surfing trip. Whether this is due to fear or excitement is still up for debate.

2. Shouting 'waaay heeeey' when falling off a surfboard results in a painful tongue biting experience. You also literally 'taste sand'... and a bit of salt and blood.

3. It is never as cold as it looks. Especially in a 5mm wetsuit, 5mm gloves, 5mm boots, hood and fleece.

4. After two hours it is as cold as it looks regardless of a 5mm wetsuit etc... and your feet get cold first.

5. Having the leash wrapped around your lower leg when getting pummeled is like getting pummeled and being dragged behind a horse by a very thin and aggressive boa constrictor.

Asia Style. Time works differently here.
6. In Asia Style time works differently. Five minutes to get seated takes twenty. Two minutes to bring beers takes lass than two seconds.

7. Endor is a fictional planet that not everyone has heard of.

Even though it is a fictional planet someone managed to get a photo. George works in mysterious ways.

8. Endor is also a band.

This is like the Crab I ate last night. Perhaps they were related.

9. Soft Shell Crab is not crunchy and that is why it is called soft shell crab. Unfortunately Golden Grahams do not contain any real gold or Father Ted writer Graham Lineham.

He is not golden although his name is Graham.
10. Wandering round the cereal aisle of Tesco drunk at 4am shouting 'Come out little Graham.' At the top of your lungs will result in your immediate arrest for so called breach of the peace.

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