Saturday 15 January 2011

Celtic Connections 2011: Day 2 (14/1/11)

Left the flat in plenty of time. Pushed past the smokers outside the chip shop. Past the smokers outside the hairdressers. Plenty of time to catch the train. Except today I've left my wallet at home. I sprint back to the flat and repeat the usual sprint to the train station.

Late Night Session book has only two slots filled. It'll be alright on the night. I hope...

Jamie McMemeny and Soig Siveril
I lurk in the office assailing passing artists and artist reps. A few beers and you'll be desperate to play. I am laughed back into my corner. By 5:30 I am nearly full. A great and varied musical program. It's going to be a fantastic first night. One slot to fill and Jamie McMenemy and Soig Siberil come to my rescue.

I know it's time for dinner when I ask Jen ,"What is a 'pah gay'? A page."
Marinated anchovies. Better without salad.

We dine tonight in Amerone. How posh. I'm still kidding myself that I'm sort of kind of on a diet so I start with salad. I'm only eating it because it's got marinated anchovies in it and I love marinated anchovies.

I grab a train home. It is delayed and I'm beginning to panic. I could have got an earlier one. I am regretting ordering my anchovies. The train eventually stops in a cutting somewhere between High St and Bellgrove. I need to be back at the concert hall in under an hour. We limp to Bellgrove where, after hanging about for five minutes, the train finally gives up the ghost.

20:14 to Springburn
A brisk walk up the hill in my new shoes is more painful than I imagined. I make use of the time by calling acts to see if they'd like to play the Late Night Session. An artist calls back in time for me to discover the reason for the terminated train. I answer the phone standing on the corner of Cumbernauld Road and Onslow Drive just as a bus passes. I see the wall of water just in time and turn my back. Soaked to the skin. The street is a river. Looks like I'll be needing that change of clothes.

Seonaid Aitkin
Anna Coogan
The Fox Hunt and the Henry Girls
Jamie McMemeny and Soig Siveril
Iain Thomson (with Angus Lyon and Marc Duff)
Angus Lyon: Guaranteed to win a stating competition.
.. and Acoustic Butterfly were supposed to play but only their Drummer showed up. Perhaps sampling nectar in another garden. Drummers are like skirmishers in the 19th century. First on the battlefield and the last to leave. So a big thanks to Iain Murray (nicked from Acoustic Butterfly) and Angus Lyon (who I poached from Iain Thompson's band) for helping me finish the club.

Old man in school shorts and grey school socks pulled up to the knee. Perhaps the Krankie's grandfather or roadie.

Fat woman in metallic blue spandex leggings. No. Just NO.

Days not Smoking: 8
Days not Drinking: 7 (soon to return to zero)

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